Frequently Asked Questions

For Help Purchasing or Accessing One of Our Courses

  • Help, I’m having trouble purchasing my first course, how do I get help? If you're having trouble purchasing your first course from us,  email to our tech team at [email protected]  When you email us for help, be sure to tell us your full name, email address, and the course you are trying to access. Our tech team will generally respond to your request within one business day.
  • Help, I’m having trouble purchasing another course from you, what do I do? If this IS NOT the first course you are purchasing from us; please note that you’ll be asked to sign in before completing your purchase. Signing in before completing your purchase will ensure that all your course purchases are accessible with the same login. If you are still stuck and need a little help, don’t hesitate to reach out to our tech team at [email protected] When you email us for help, be sure to tell us your full name, email address, and the course you are trying to access. Our tech team will generally respond to your request within one business day.
  • Help, I purchased a course, and now I can’t access it? So sorry about that, send a quick email to our tech team at [email protected]  When you email us for help, be sure to tell us your full name, email address, and the course you are trying to access. Our tech team will generally respond to your request within one business day.
  • Help, I purchased a new course, and now I can’t find my other courses?  Don’t worry; this issue is easy to fix, but you’ll need our help. The issue is that you already have another account connected to a different email address setup in our system.  So for help with this, send an email to our tech team at [email protected]  When you email us for help, be sure to tell us your full name, your various email addresses, the name of the course you're just purchased and the name(s) of the course(s) you’re missing. Our tech team will generally respond to your request within one business day.

For Help Watching Your Course

  • What is the best browser to use with these online courses?  We strongly recommend using either Chrome or Firefox when accessing and taking courses on this site. Safari and Edge, due to numerous compatibility issues are not recommended for use with our online courses.
  • Can I use my tablet to access and take courses these online courses? Yes, you can, but again we recommend you download and use either Chrome or Firefox browser with this site on your iOS or Android tablet.
  • Can I use my phone to access and take courses in the Online Training Center? Yes, but you may find the experience a little harder to manage than on your computer or tablet. Again, we recommend using either Chrome or Firefox as your browser for accessing this site and our courses.
  • I can't stream video over the internet, is there a way for me to get a DVD of these videos? No, unfortunately, our online training videos are only available online. If you can't stream video, you can't take our courses.

Other General Questions

  • Can I share this course with someone else?  Our courses are licensed for household use and sharing only. You are free to share these courses with anyone that lives with you.  Please don’t share these courses, the contents, or the videos with anyone not currently residing in your own home.
  • If I can't stream video over the internet, is there a way for me to get a DVD of the course videos? Not at this time. Our courses are currently only available online. If you can't watch YouTube videos on your device, then you won’t be able to view our course videos.
  • I can’t find my question here: how can I get my question answered?  We would love to help you. Send us an email to [email protected]  When you email us for help, be sure to give us your full name, along with your question so that we can serve you better.
  • I need help, can I get someone to give me a phone call? Unfortunately, our team can’t take or return phone calls at this time. So send your questions or tech support requests via email to [email protected].  When you email us for help, be sure to give us your full name, along with details of your issue, question, or concern.